“How traditions and customs are born?”
“Pembentukan Tradisi”
“Group of scientists put 5 monkeys in a cage. In that cage they also placed a ladder and some bananas on top of it.”
“Para saintis menempatkan 5 ekor monyet di dalam satu kurungan besi. Di dalam kurungan itu juga diletakkan sebuah tangga. Diatas tangga itu ada setandan pisang.”
“Whenever a monkey began to climb that ladder, the scientists started sprinkling water on the rest of the monkeys standing below. ”
“Setiap kali bila ada monyet cuba memanjat tangga,saintis akan menyembuh air sejuk kepada monyet yang lain.”
"After some repeated event, whenever a monkey tried to climb that ladder driven by the desire to eat bananas, the monkeys standing below did not allow him to climb."
“Selepas berlakunya perkara yang sama unutk beberapa kali,setiap kali bila ada monyet cuba
memanjat tangga untuk mendapatkan pisang, dia akan dihalang oleh monyet yang lain.”
"After a while, despite the lure of bananas, no monkey had the courage to climb that ladder."
“Selepas beberapa ketika, sungguhpun ada godaan daripada pisang, tiada lagi monyet yang berani cuba memanjat tangga itu.”
"The scientists decided to replace one of the monkeys. The first thing the new monkey did was to climb the ladder but immediately the other monkeys began to beat him. After many beatings the new monkey decided that he would not climb the ladder even though he didn’t know why. " note∶no more water sprinkling this time.
"科学家决定把一只猴子换出来。新猴子做的第一件事就是爬梯子,但是马上被其他的猴子痛殴。在被痛殴几次后,新猴子决定再也不爬梯子,虽然他不明白其中原因。" 特注:这时科学家不再有喷射冷水的举动。
“Para saintis lalu menukarkan salah satu monyet itu dengan seekor monyet baru. Perkara pertama yang dibuat oleh monyet baru ialah memanjat tangga. Akan tetapi, ia terus dipukul oleh monyet lama yang lain. Setelah ulangnya beberapa kali perkara yang sama, monyet baru tidak lagi hendak memanjat tangga sungguhpun ia tidak ketahui sebabnya.” nota: Para saintis tidak lagi menyembur air sejuk kali ini.
"The scientists replaced a 2nd monkey, and the same thing happened with him. The interesting thing is that the monkey who had been replaced before him was among the monkeys who were beating the new monkey most. The 3rd monkey was replaced, and he too went through the same fate. Eventually all the monkeys were replaced and everyone of them got a beating."
“Para saintis lalu menggantikan seekor lagi monyet yang baru, dimana perkara yang sama juga berlaku keatasnya. Apa yang menarik ialah, monyet baru pertama memukul monyet baru kedua dengan paling teruk sekali. Bila mengganti masuk dengan monyet baru ketiga, perkara yang sama diulangi lagi. Pada akhirnya, semua monyet lama telah diganti keluar dan semua monyet diganti masuk telah dipukul dengan teruknya.”
"Now only those monkeys were in the cage on which scientists had never sprinkled water, but still they beat up the monkey who attempted to climb the ladder."
“Walaupun semua monyet yang ada pada kurungan itu tidak pernah disembur air sejuk tetapi mereka tetap memukul monyet yang cuba memanjat tangga.”
"If it was possible to ask those monkeys why are they beating up the monkey trying to climb the ladder, i can say with guarantee that the answer would be “I don’t know. We have seen others doing the same (so we do it too).” Does this sound familiar to you?"
“Jikalau kita dapat menanya monyet itu kenapa memukul monyet yang cuba memanjat tangga, saya pasti jawapan mereka ialah 'saya tak tahu, orang lain buat begitu, maka saya pun buat begitu.' Bukankah ini sesuatu yang selalu didengar?”